DYMO LabelManager 350, Azerty


LabelMANAGER 350 is a professional labelmaker with scores of functions for maximum creative licence. Its extensive memory allows you to save ten personal labels as well as the last ten labels printed and ten preferences Moreover, you can also use a wide range of different colours and sizes of tape (up to 19 mm. wide). And, LabelMANAGER 350 is so easy to use that you probably won’t even need an instruction manual. All in all, a highly professional labelmaker which no professional working environment should be without.
Impeccable form and function As a desktop aid, the compact LabelMANAGER 350 with its signature DYMO look and feel is a welcome addition to any office, shop or stockroom. Thanks to its simple keyboard, logical navigation and clear instructions, you’ll be making any desired label in no time. Finally, the labelmaker offers as many as six different fonts, three different character sizes and seven different styles – you can even print across three lines.